A resource aggregator (index) of professional learning experiences for world language education.
AMPLIFY is one of the five projects that emerged from Pathways to Collaborations, a design-thinking event organized by the Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center. The event was held in conjunction with the 2019 IALLT Conference last year at at the Yamada Language Center, University of Oregon. The original group, which named itself PDLANG, proposed creating a common architecture for sharing professional learning resources and events that would allow participating institutions to open existing events to a broader audience, and share institutional expertise in areas of common interest. After a productive collaboration, AMPLIFY reached its Beta testing stage and was launched on August 12, 2020. Participants in the original group (PDLANG) included members from the following institutions: Colby College, the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, Michigan State University, Rhodes College, San Diego State University, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Project Lead
Richard has a PhD in Computer Science. As Assistant Faculty Specialist in Human-Computer Interaction, Richard focuses on online learning environments for language instruction and research. He has published extensively on the topic of technology mediated representational practices in computer supported collaborative learning settings.
How can AMPLIFY help Language Centers?
AMPLIFY can help Language Centers:
Promote their professional learning initiatives, particularly those that can be shared across institutions;
Learn what professional learning offerings are provided by other centers or university units that are specific to world languages;
Identify institutions or individuals with expertise and experience in professional learning in particular areas of world language education and related fields;
Gain access to a comprehensive schedule of professional learning activities and events across participating institutions (past, present, and future);
Identify potential partners (institutions or individuals) for projects of common interest.
AMPLIFY use cases
(a) Publish a previously held event that has been subsequently post produced and combined with additional material. Example,
(b) Publish (announce) a live online experience. Example,
(c) Publish an experience that is part of a series of online workshops. Example,
How does AMPLIFY work?
A user account is required to add, modify, and remove experiences to the site. User accounts are granted to individuals that represent their organization, center, department, or other organizational unit where professional learning is facilitated. We expect user representatives to publish new experiences that their unit is directly sponsoring, facilitating, or with which they are otherwise involved.
Published experiences are displayed on the site according to the calendar information provided in its description. Experiences are listed with their related meta information. For example, each experience can be further explored to learn about:
(a) other experiences each presenter is associated with
(b) experiences that may be part of the same series
(c) experiences that share a common tag
(d) how to access related materials, audio/video, and external links
Contact Information
1890 East West Road
Moore Hall 256
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-5121
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