Transform Your Teaching
If you have experience implementing blended learning, consider serving as a mentor in this program. If you are a less-experienced practitioner looking for support and guidance as you plan and deliver blended learning experiences, you might consider joining as a mentee. Read below for more details!
Program Description

The basics
The Blended Learning Mentoring Program leverages the experience of technology-using teachers in The Language Flagship to share their knowledge and expertise implementing blended learning with peers at various Flagship institutions. With guidance from the Tech Center, a mentor and a mentee interact over a short period of time (10 to 30 days) in order to fulfill minimum requirements, which can be completed in 3 to 5 hours. The mentors are Language Flagship instructors who have implemented blended learning in their classes for two or more years. The mentees are Language Flagship instructors who are interested in learning about blended learning and how to implement it in their classrooms.

How the program works
In this program, mentees select desired mentors, and the Tech Center makes the match. One mentor will be paired with one mentee to provide insights and consultation in the design of a blended learning experience (one or more tasks). The mentor and mentee interact via email, phone, or videoconferences. The Tech Center provides documentation and materials to guide the interaction. The minimum requirements of the program are:
- Participate in three brief meetings whose goals are (a) establish goals and decide which blended learning lessons will be used to support the activity or lesson design; (b) discuss chosen lesson content and how it applies to the design of the blended learning experience that is being created; (c) discuss final outcomes.
- Submit the evaluation forms to the Tech Center (mentor and mentee) and a mentorship completion form (mentor).

Badges for mentors
Mentors who complete the minimum requirements receive a digital badge from the Tech Center which certifies the work they did. There is no limit to the number of mentor badges one person may earn.
The materials used for the mentoring experience include documents to facilitate the mentoring process (e.g., checklists and recommendations) as well as a repository of lessons designed specifically for blended learning. The short (~20-minute) lessons, Blended Learning Essentials, are meant as a primer for world language instructors interested in this topic and were designed by Tech Center faculty in collaboration with World Language professionals who have national recognition and who are experienced in the design or implementation of blended learning in the context of World Language education. As part of the program, mentor and mentee agree on the two or three most relevant lessons.
Blended Learning Essentials
The Blended Learning Essentials lessons were specifically designed to support the professional learning needs of Language Flagship instructors. The mentor and mentee will decide together which two or three lessons will be completed. Please note that the mentee must complete at least two lessons and fill out a 3-2-1 Report (see below) and submit it to the mentor in order for the mentoring experience to be complete and for the mentor to earn a digital badge.
Blended Learning Mentor Badge Criteria
This document contains the description and criteria for earning the Blended Learning Mentor digital badge.
3-2-1 Report Template
The 3-2-1 Report Template is a document for mentees. Each mentee is required to make their own copy of the 3-2-1 Report Template (by following the instructions in the template) and complete the report for each lesson. In each 3-2-1 report, the mentee is expected to reflect on (a) three things or ideas learned from the lesson, (b) two things or ideas from the lesson that they are planning or would like to implement in an online class, and (c) one question that the mentee still has about the topic discussed in the lesson. The mentee will then share and discuss the completed 3-2-1 reports with their mentor during their meetings.
This checklist will be used by mentor and mentee at their final meeting to determine whether the mentee has completed all the requirements for the mentor to receive the associated badge.
Contact Information
1890 East West Road
Moore Hall 256
Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-5121