Language Flagship Resources for


authentic materials

Using Authentic Materials

Learn how to make real-life examples of language used by native speakers accessible to learners.


Tutoring Session Planning

Learn about the main parts of a tutoring session plan, and how to align them in your sessions.

eliciting language

Eliciting Target Language Forms

Learn strategies to get learners to use the words, grammar and expressions you want them to practice.

notice form

Helping Learners Notice Forms

Learn strategies to draw learners’ attention to important words, grammar and expressions in target language materials.

focus on culture

Incorporating Cultural Resources

Learn strategies for teaching about the target culture as well as politeness in the target language.

prioritizing learner output

Prioritizing Learner Output

Learn about ways to get a learner speaking more.

negotiating meaning

Negotiating Meaning in the Target Language

Learn ways to help learners navigate confusion and communication breakdowns without using English.

proficiency measures

Understanding Proficiency Measures

Learn about how the ACTFL scale works, and how to use it to get your learners to higher proficiency.

providing feedback

Providing Feedback

Learn about different types of corrective feedback and when to use which type.

integrating assessment

Integrating Assessment

Learn about different types of assessments and how to use them in your tutoring sessions.

addressing learner interests

Incorporating Learners' Goals, Interests & Preferences

Learn about ways to motivate learners by connecting lessons to their goals and interests.

given negative evaluations

Giving Negative Evaluations

Learn strategies for delivering negative evaluations in a culturally sensitive way.

integrating technology

Technology To Support Learning

Learn about different types of technology tools, guidelines for choosing the right one, and activities to try in tutoring sessions.

managing sessions

Managing Tutoring Sessions

Learn strategies to get the most out of your limited time with a learner.

facilitating interaction

Facilitating Interaction

Learn strategies to facilitate interaction between learners during group tutoring sessions.

Core Project Team

Sofiya Asher, Indiana University Russian Flagship Curriculum Coordinator and Senior Lecturer

Session Management Team and Social/Emotional Skills Team Affiliate

Ebrahim Bamanger, Indiana University Arabic Flagship Conversation Instructor and Instructional Designer

Technology Team and Pedagogy Team Affiliate

Hongrong Chen, Hunter College Chinese Flagship Instructor

Pedagogy Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Meredith Doubleday, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Russian Flagship Assistant Director

Technology Team and Social/Emotional Skills Team Affiliate

Xiaoyan Hu, University of Rhode Island Chinese Flagship Academic Director

Pedagogy Team and Session Management Team Affiliate

Lindsey Jamieson, University of Texas Portuguese Flagship Program Coordinator

Technology Team and Social/Emotional Skills Team Affiliate

Viviane de Souza Klen-Alves, University of Georgia Portuguese Flagship Teaching Assistant

Technology Team and Assessment Team Affiliate

Xiang Lyu, Indiana University Chinese Flagship Lecturer

Pedagogy Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Nader Morkus, Indiana University Arabic Flagship Academic Director

Technology Team and Pedagogy Team Affiliate

Tianyu Qin, University of North Georgia Chinese Flagship Academic Director

Pedagogy Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed, Indiana University Russian Flagship Tutor

Session Management Team and Social/Emotional Skills Team Affiliate

Samantha Sanders, University of Washington Chinese Flagship Program Coordinator

Session Management Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Anastasiya Lakhno Smith, University of Georgia Russian Flagship Instructor and Tutor

Assessment Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Yunhe Sun, University of Hawaii at Manoa Chinese Flagship Tutor

Assessment Team and Session Management Team Affiliate

Olga Thomason, University of Georgia Russian Flagship Associate Director

Pedagogy Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Yao Tu, University of Minnesota Chinese Flagship Associate Director

Assessment Team and Planning Team Affiliate

Anna Tumarkin, University of Wisconsin Madison Russian Flagship Associate Director

Assessment Team and Technology Team Affiliate

Molly Godwin-Jones, University of Hawaii at Manoa Tech Center Learning Design Specialist 

Pedagogy Team Affiliate

Suzanne Freynik, University of Hawaii at Manoa Tech Center Learning Design Specialist 

Learning Design Lead

Julio Rodriguez, University of Hawaii at Manoa Tech Center Director

Instructional Technology Lead

Video Credits

Jeanine Markley, University of Hawaii at Manoa Hawaii English Langauge Program Teacher and Tutor

Joanne Jeremie, University of Hawaii at Manoa Hawaii English Langauge Program Teacher and Tutor

Juan Miguel Vargas Cano, University of Hawaii at Manoa Hawaii English Langauge Program Student

Sari Umekawa, University of Hawaii at Manoa Hawaii English Langauge Program Student


This project was supported by a 3-year grant to the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa from the Institute of International Education (IIE), acting as the administrative agent of the National Security Education Program (NSEP), Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO) for The Language Flagship.

The Language Flagship is a national initiative to change the way Americans learn languages through a groundbreaking approach to language education through a network of programs at institutions of higher education across the United States. The Language Flagship graduates students who will take their place among the next generation of global professionals, commanding a superior level of proficiency in one of ten languages critical to U.S. national security and economic competitiveness.

This website has been developed and is maintained by The Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the position of policy of the U.S. government. No official government endorsement should be inferred.