FEBRUARY 15, 2019

10am Hawaii – 12pm PST – 1pm MST – 2pm CST – 3pm EST

Duration: 15 mins

Presented by Sashini Kannan, Bryn Mawr College


Hosting guests is an important part of most world cultures, including Russian, American, and Indian cultures. Although guest culture is significantly less central to American cultural identity, parallels still exist in the guest hosting etiquette in the three countries. These parallels reveal commonalities between cultures often perceived as completely disparate. The differences, however, provide a nuanced glimpse into cultural values. In this presentation, I will explore these themes by drawing from cross-cultural research as well as my own experiences as an Indian-American student of Russian. 


Гостеприимство – Guest hosting culture
Хозяин-хозяйка – host, hostess
Ходить в гости – to visit someone
Ходить в гости без приглашения – to visit someone without an invitation
Гость – guest
Принято – не принято – It is accepted culturally – not accepted
Вежливо polite
Грубо – rude
Благодарность – gratitude
Искренность – sincerity
Приходить с пустыми руками – to come empty-handed


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1890 East West Road

Moore Hall 256

Honolulu, HI 96822

(808) 956-5121


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