A unique professional learning experience

Leveraging AI for Richer Interactions

JUNE 3-7, 2024 at Yale University


Registration DEADLINE

February 202024

OPEN TO LANGUAGE FLAGSHIP, PGO, LTC, & dliflc participants

Welcome to


JUNE 3-7, 2024

Experience Innovation

Join us in a unique 5-day professional learning experience that focuses on how to leverage AI-powered technologies in the design of engaging language learning experiences. 

This professional learning program is a collaboration with the Center for Language Study at Yale University. The purpose of this program is for participants to gain expertise in the use of AI-powered tools to (a) design pedagogy-driven, proficiency-based language learning experiences that have the potential to sustain high levels of student engagement; and (b) support in- and out-of-classroom learning. Participants will be guided and supported to explore the affordances of AI-powered tools in relations to both contexts. We encourage participation from individuals who are willing to disseminate the knowledge gained through this experience in their own institutional contexts.


Yale University               New Haven, CT

Important Dates

June 2: Arrival Day
June 3-5: Bootcamp
June 6:  Design Challenge
June 7: Reflection



What to expect

This is a fast-paced event that includes three phases. If you are not already, you will become acquainted with key technological pedagogical knowledge of AI-powered tools that have the potential to enhance language instruction and language learning. Then you will use those technologies to design a learning experience to be implemented in your own teaching context. And finally, you will have an opportunity to reflect on the experience, share with us your thoughts on implementation, and receive feedback. Click on each phase below to learn more:


The first three days you will participate in a Boot Camp that provides a deep dive into technological pedagogical and content knowledge related to using AI-powered tools. The selected tools will include both core generative AI tools for text, image, and video, and those specifically built for educational purposes. If you have already used some of these tools, we have you covered! You will get an opportunity to share your knowledge with other colleagues guided by Tech Center faculty and expert consultants. During the Boot Camp, you will not only learn how to use the tools, but also discover their affordances. Then you will put it all together by designing engaging tasks and exploring ways to enhance your teaching practices.

DESIGN CHALLENGE: time to innovate

This phase is where you integrate the technologies presented in the Boot Camp. Get ready for a day packed with creativity, technology, and learning amidst a friendly, yet ruthless, competition. May the team with the best learning experience design win!


This final phase entails a half-day of Focused Reflection and planning for future project adaptations. You will have an opportunity to imagine the implementation of your or another colleague or team’s idea and share your thoughts with the group. At this time, you will also receive feedback from other colleagues, Tech Center faculty, and expert consultants.

hands holding phones
people brainstorming with post-it notes

Contact Info

Dr. Angela Haeusler tech.center@hawaii.edu